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Pizzori® Pizza Steel


Pizza Cutter


Pizza Peel

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The Research

Our Take

We Designed the Pizzori Steel from the Ground Up

After months of research I found what was missing from traditional pizza steels.

Practical for everyone

Built-in handles to make it easier to lift

Unique design

Rounded corners to avoid scratching

Powerful heat transfer

We achieved best-in-class heat transfer.

And the pizzas are delicious

About Pizzori

Made By Pizza Lovers for Pizza Lovers

I love pizza. I have every tool from the stone, steels or the ooni. I’ve made pizzas at home, in pizzerias, on the grills or camping.

Pizza steel is the best balance between impact and effect, but the regular ones discolor fast and are unhandy.

I felt that I could come up with a better version.The pizzori steel is me taking everything I disliked about the traditional baking steel, and improved upon.